A. Complete this following paragraph with suitable “ To be”
Ahamad ..... a new nurse in Surya Duafa Medical Centre.Surya Duafa Medical Centre .....a mini hospitalin our campus. It ...located in Pramuka street. Two weeks ago, there ....not a pasient coming in thet place, but now many people .... in Surya Duafa to treat their health. That program has ....a best policy to help poor people find the opportunity to get the service free of charge. It will ...most important program in STIKES Surya Global Yogyakarta.
B. Answer the following questions!
1. Who is Ahmad?
2. What is thenameof mini hospital in our campus?
3. Where is Surya Duafa location?
4. When was the place quiet?
5. What is the purpose so the people come to Surya Duafa?
6. Must the people pay to find the health service?
7. What is the synonim of treat in that paragraph above?
8. What is the meaning of free of charge?
C. Translate into English!
1. Seorang pasien rumah sakit meninggal.
2. Ia tinggal di Sleman.
3. Ia menderita sakit kanker.
4. Pasien itu telah tinggal dirumah sakit selama enam hari.
5. Namanya Pak Pawiro.
6. Ia seorang petani kaya di Sleman utara
7. Ada beberapa temannya di rumah sakit
8. Benar bahwa Pak Pawiro menderita kanker
9. Tampaknya mendesak mempersiapkan perawat yang terampil.
10. Membutuhkan banyak buku untuk menguasai ilmu keperawatan.
11. Organisasi Rumah Sakit
12. Izin belajar
13. Bahasa Jawa kuno
14. Rumah sakit yang berkembang
15. Bedakkulit halus
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