Watch out !
Recent studies have revealed that our approach to life determines the state of our health. Our diet, habits, personality, as well as our environment, are some important factors that can influence our health positively or negatively.
We know that our everyday choice of food is vital to our health. A poor diet of fatty foods- such as red meat, dairy products, cakes, biscuits, ice cream- and food containing artificial preservatives – like canned food- may cause health problems.
Eating too much can result in obesity. The more overweight a person is, the more likely he or she will suffer from illness- among others, high blood pressure. People who lead an inactive life and don’t like exercising regularly are also more apt to obese than those who like to jog, take brisk walks, climb stairs, or even go disco dancing.
Researcher also say that our personal character can have a significant effect on the way we live. Having an impatient, bad tempered, or hard driving personality can generate a lot of stress. On the other hand, a calm, patient nature will lessen the tensions of life.
And finally, our environment also influences our state of health to some extent. We bound to get sick more easily if we live in a polluted environment than in an environment where the air is clean and fresh.
I. Answer the questions based on the text !
1. What is the recent finding from the expert ?
2. What is the effect of obesity?
3. What should we do to prevent obesity ?
4. Is it true that go dancing good for your health ?
5. Why does environment take an important roles for our health ?
II. Give the correct Verbs !
1. Dr. Rahmad is very smart. He ............. four languages. ( speak )
2. The nurse ................... instruments for infusion at the moment. ( prepare )
3. Mrs. Shanti .................. her sick daughter to hospital two days ago. ( bring )
4. The patients usually ......... medicines at 12 am. ( take )
5. A : Why do you borrow a lot of books from library ?
B : I .................. for my final test. ( study )
6. In my city, the Bank ............ at 9 o’ clock in the morning. ( open )
7. Dr. Husni ..................... medicines to Mrs. Yulia now. ( give )
8. Dr. Hani .................... prescription to her patient last night. ( write )
9. The nurse often ........... pain killer on the buttock. ( inject )
10. A : Why do you close all your windows and doors ?
B : I ................... back to my hometown. ( go )
III. Change these sentences by using Subjunctive !
1. I didn’t prepare my exam well last night. I wish ......................
2. He failed in his mid semester test. He wishes ..........................
3. She can’t finish her test soon. She wishes .......................
4. She doesn’t follow the instruction well. She wishes .......................
5. I have to wake up early in the morning. I wish………………
IV. Give the comparative or the superlative !
1. Classes in the university are ( difficult ) than those in the college.
2. The basketball games at the university are ( good ) than those of the high school.
3. Shinta drove the car ( cautiously ) than Bob.
4. The more you study, the ( smart ) you will become.
5. One of the ( bad ) things that happen in the world is war.
6. The movie we saw last night was ( interesting ) than the one on television.
7. My condition is ( good ) than before after I consume this pills.
8. Yulia dances ( gracefully ) than her partner.
9. The sooner you leave, the ( early ) you will arrive at your destination.
10. Telling a lie is one of the ( bad ) things that you have ever done in recent days.
V. Choose the correct Profession in Hospital from the list !

Cardiologist paediatrician ophthalmologist
Psychiatrist midwife nurse
1. Mrs. Husna brings her sick daughter to ………………..
2. A : He got depression. We can’t communicate with him.
B :I think he is suffer from mental illness. It’s better if we take him to
3. He has a problem with his eye. It will be better if we take him to ……..
4. A …………… helps women and babies during birth and the postnatal period.
5. He has a problem with his heart. It’s better to send him to …….
6. Mrs. Rahma’s daughter gets a fever, so she brings her to ………..
7. We can’t communicate with him because he is suffer from mental illness.
It will be better if we take him to …………
8. A : I can’t read those letters.
B : Maybe you have a problem with your eye. You should go to ……
9. A …………… helps women and babies during birth and the postnatal period.
10. I think he got a heart attack. We should bring him to ………
VI. Change these sentences below into Passive Voice !
1. The surgeon will operate Mr. Arman tomorrow morning.
2. Suster Anna has written a nursing note in nursing station.
3. Shita gave some money to her mother .
4. Nurse Shinta applies infusion to the patient.
5. Nurse Rosa is bringing Mrs. Yulia to surgical ward.
6. Her friends will visit Rahma tomorrow afternoon.
7. The nurse has prepared everything for Mr. Andi operation.
8. Shanti bought some books in the bookstore.
9. Hasan brings her mother to hospital.
10. The doctor is examining her wound right now.
VII. Translate into English !
1. Saya ingin menjadi seorang perawat yang profesional.
2. Dr. Andi sedang memeriksa kondisi seorang pasien.
3. Rina mengerjakan soal test lebih cepat daripada Anita.
4. Rian akan pergi berlibur ke Bali setelah mid semester test.
5. Pasien itu selalu meminum obat tiga kali sehari.
6. Saya ingin menjadi seorang perawat yang baik.
7. Suster Ana sedang memeriksa tekanan darah seorang pasien.
8. Penjelasan dari Rudi lebih jelas dari pada penjelasan Anton.
9. Rosa akan mengambil uang ke bank setelah selesai mid semester test.
10. Pasien itu selalu mandi dua kali sehari.
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